Auditory ERPs in Autistic, Schizophrenia, and Non-Clinical Adults
You can access the stimulus scripts, the raw EEG data (via Box), and analysis scripts here (via GitHub, see ReadMe file).
For a description of the task and participants used, see:
1. Hyper-Sensitivity to Pitch and Poorer Prosody Processing in Adults with Autism: an ERP Study by Sarah M Haigh, Patricia Brosseau, Shaun M Eack, David I Leitman, Dean F Salisbury, & Marlene Behrmann (2022). *Frontiers in Psychiatry: Autism. 13*1. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyt.2022.844830
2. Assessing Trial-to-Trial Variability in Auditory ERPs in Autism and Schizophrenia. Sarah M Haigh, Laura Van Key, Pat Brosseau, Shaun M Eack, David I Leitman, Dean F Salisbury & Marlene Behrmann (2023). S.I.: Developmental Approach and Targeted Treatment of Sensory Alterations. *Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 53*(12), 4856-4871. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10803-022-05771-0
(The ERP files for the schizophrenia group are under the 'Simple' data folder listed below.)
Please email shaigh at unr dot edu if you have any questions or comments.