Note: The data and materials posted here are also available on Dataverse: They are identical, but needed to be posted to Dataverse to fulfill departmental requirements.
The purpose of this project is to replicate Banerjee, Chatterjee, and Sinha's (2012) finding that recalling unethical behavior leads people to perceive the room as darker compared to recalling an ethical behavior. We were unable to replicate the original effects and a meta-analysis including the original and replication effects indicated the effect size was likely small and not different from zero.
- Draft of the [final report][1] & [supplemental materials, data, syntax, and output][2]
- [Preregistration][3] of the replication studies (including materials)
**Citation of original report**: Banerjee, P., Chatterjee, P., & Sinha, S. (2012). Is it light or dark? Recalling moral behavior changes perception of brightness. *Psychological Science, 23*, 407-409.