**This is the project page for the manuscript "Overlapping and unique neural circuits support perceptual decision making and confidence" (https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-77820-6). Unthresholded fMRI maps can be found at https://neurovault.org/collections/9004/**
Data and code for the project are available at **'Files'** page.
The analysis codes are written in MATLAB. Please refer to the below guidline:
@ System requirement
The codes were run and tested on macOS (10.15.3) with MATLAB_R2015a
@ Installation guide
For both Experiment 1 and 2, the folder 'data' contains behavioral responses of individual subject when they were doing the task in the scanner.
@ Running the code
The main analysis file is named as "Behavioral_results.m"
Locate directory to the downloaded folder to run the code.
The analysis results show you task performance and confidence responses, and some statistical results of the responses with different conditions.
** If you have any questions, write to Jiwon Yeon at jyeon@stanford.edu or wiseriver531@gmail.com