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Implementation of the official protocol --------------------------------------- **Experimenters** The experimenters conducting the testing have completed the Texas A&M required CITI training. Everyone working on the project will have worked in our lab at least one semester. Everyone will be trained by one of two graduate students working on this project and will be given a copy of the protocol to review before attending in person training where they will practice the protocol as many times as needed. We are unsure what the experimenters think the hypothesis is for this study. We will ask them what they knew of the hypothesis once data collection is complete and make a note of it in the Lab Notes section. **Piloting / training** Experimenters will run another lab member as if they were a participant as part of training. **Recruiting** Participants will be recruited from Texas A&M's Psychology subject pool. Potential participants log on to the subject pool website. They choose from a list of studies that are only identified by a number. Once they have clicked on this study, they will see a list of eligibility requirements (e.g., must be 18-30 years of age and a native English speaker). If the individual determines they are eligible for the study, he/she can then pick from a list of available times to participate. **Sample, subjects, and randomization** Participants will be assigned to the experimental and control conditions using pseudo-random assignment. We will generate a list of condition assignments, 60 in the experimental condition and 60 in the control condition, randomize the order of this list and then assign participants to condition in order of the list. We will keep running participants who self-register from the psychology subject pool until we have 60 in each condition that are 18 to 30 years old and until between 30% and 70% are female. If we have to collect more data due to exclusions, we will run blocks of 10 additional participants (with 5 assigned to each condition) until both conditions have at least the minimum sample size. We will specify on the subject pool website that participants must be native English speakers. Also, at the beginning of the study, when we ask their age and gender, we will ask if they are native English speakers (i.e., is English their first language?). If they indicate that English is not their native language, then we will dismiss them. **Debriefing subjects** The Texas A&M Institutional Review Board has approved the protocol that involves debriefing participants immediately after their participation. To help prevent contamination, we will explicitly encourage participants not to discuss the study with other students **Setting/Lab/Equipment** We will use a small lab room to run subjects individually. The room contains a desk with a standard Dell desktop computer and two chairs (one for subject and one for experimenter). Because the experimenter will sit outside of the room during testing, we will also have a bell sitting on the desk for participants to ring when they are ready to move on to the next part of the experiment. We are using EPRIME 2 software on the computer. Protocol_49TQVF Step-by-step_RS232
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