Code and data from a recent *Nature Climate Change* paper ("Participating in a climate prediction market increases concern about global warming").
The **data** pertain to two studies (corresponding to the ones in the paper):
- Study 1. The data reflect the prediction market transactions (transactions.csv and bets_analysis.csv) and the pre/post surveys (Survey_Data_Study1.csv).
- Study 2. The data reflect the prediction market (control: Entertainment_bets.csv; treatment: Climate_bets.csv and Climate_bets_details.csv) and the pre/mid/post surveys (Entry_survey.csv, Mid_survey.csv, Exit_survey.csv).
Similarly, the **code** pertains to the two studies, such that:
- Study 1. R and Matlab codes (Study 1 Analyses.R and analyze_transactions.m) allow for the replication of the main paper and key Supplementary Information figures.
- Study 2. R code (Study2_Analyses.R) for the replication of the main paper results and figures, as well as the key Supplementary Information resutls and figures.