Citation: **Eriksen, Marcus, Laurent C. M. Lebreton, Henry S. Carson, Martin Thiel, Charles J. Moore, Jose C. Borerro, Francois Galgani, Peter G. Ryan, and Julia Reisser. 2014. “Plastic Pollution in the World’s Oceans: More than 5 Trillion Plastic Pieces Weighing over 250,000 Tons Afloat at Sea.” PloS One 9 (12): e111913.**
Acquired From: Supplementary information on journal website shared to figshare.
Data Quality Notes: Wide range of data quality because a lot of different ships and groups of people collected it.
Date Acquired from Source: 2018
Spatial Data Type: **point**
Start Date of Data:
End Date of Data:
Attribute Descriptions:
Methodology Description: Researchers collected ocean surface samples using surface trawls behind a boat and extracted the plastics from the sample typically by eye, but there are some other exceptions in this data set.