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Be sure to check out the Aligning Incentives Toolkit that builds off this respository: This repository provides resources for faculty and academic units to re-imagine faculty rewards and incentives, and in particular how faculty are evaluated for promotion and tenure, with the goal of maximizing inclusivity in science by changing how we share our scholarship, data, and research material. "Impact as Access" is realized when scholars have access to all aspects of the research pipeline, whether that be through open sharing of research, being directly involved (access as a researcher), or access to education (open education resources). Impact as Access reduces costs by making research reusable, reproducible, and replicable. Impact as Access empowers those from traditionally underserved communities to benefit from publicly funded research. Impact as Access reduces barriers (both financial and social) to participating in advancing science and helping to solve the world's problems. Much of the work included here leverages ongoing efforts by the National Academy of Sciences initiative on Aligning Incentives for Open Science, and NASEM's effort is aimed at finding ways to better align reward structures and institutional values with the use of open science practices in order to “increase the contribution of open science to producing better science (see the [NASEM Roundtable description][1]).” According to the National Academies (NASEM, 2018), “Openness and sharing of information are fundamental to the progress of science and to the effective functioning of the research enterprise. The advent of scientific journals in the 17th century helped power the Scientific Revolution by allowing researchers to communicate across time and space, using the technologies of that era to generate reliable knowledge more quickly and efficiently. Harnessing today’s stunning, ongoing advances in information technologies, the global research enterprise and its stakeholders are moving toward a new open science ecosystem. Open science aims to ensure the free availability and usability of scholarly publications, the data that result from scholarly research, and the methodologies, including code or algorithms, that were used to generate those data.” The NASEM report on Reproducibility (NASEM, 2019) further highlights the central role of open science practices for addressing contemporary challenges regarding reproducibility and replicability across all sciences. Open Science practices have been emphasized by both the NSF (see [Dear Colleague Letter][2], May 20, 2019) and the NIH (see NIH Public Access policy, and 2019 NIH Data proposed [Data Management and Sharing policy][3]. What is open science? Open science is an umbrella term representing a collection of activities that ensure broader access and broader participation in the production and use of scientific knowledge. These activities can be considered separately include, amongst other things, - Making research reports publicly and freely available through online pre-print servers or through open-access publication - Making data freely and permanently available in a publicly accessible data repository or archive with detailed code sheets - Making data analysis scripts openly available in a public repository - Making research materials, computer code, surveys, and other ‘soft’ research instruments publicly and permanently available. - Development and availability of open-source tools aimed at advancing science or scientific understanding - Pre-registering research hypotheses and analysis plans and/or the use of the registered reports format. - Open science practices (annual reviews, promotion and tenure, faculty recruitment materials/job ads) **Other resources that discuss incentives:** - [**San Franscisco Declaration on Research Assessment**][4] (DORA) - Created in 2012, DORA provides a set of concrete recommendations for research assessment. The DORA website also includes a variety of resources for those wishing to reform practices. - [**HuMetricsHSS**][5] - Provides a framework for creating evaluative criteria that align with institutional values. HuMetricsHSS focuses on establishing humane ways of evaluating faculty, with a specific emphasis on the humanities and social sciences (HSS). - [****][6] - This effort emerged from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine's Roundtable on Aligning Incentives for Open Scholarship. The Higher Education Leadership Initiative for Open Scholarship (HELIOS) brings together campus leadership from over 80 institutions with the aim of aligning higher education practices with open scholarship values. [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]: [5]: [6]:
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