Here you can find the stimulus videos, data & scripts belonging to the study "Speaking but not Gesturing Predicts Event Memory: A Cross-linguistic Comparison" by Marlijn ter Bekke, Aslı Özyürek & Ercenur Ünal.
Data & scripts for the motion, corsi and digit analyses can be found in three separate zip files. How to use these:
- Download & unzip the zip file
- Open the R project, which ends in .Rproj
- From there, in the right bottom section of Rstudio, open the R Markdown file, which ends in .Rmd
- This way, the paths for loading in the data and placing the plots in the "plot" folder will work using the "here" package.
- If you haven't installed this package yet, do so before running the script and then load it in. The code for installing and loading this package can be found in the the R Markdown file for the motion memory and production analysis.