This repository contains all 46 preregistered experimental design proposals the Research Teams (RTs) involved in the #ManyDesigns project submitted, and for which RTs submitted an experimental software to be run as part of the #ManyDesigns project.
Each of the design proposals contains the following components:
- Detailed description of the design including the control treatment and the treatment variable / variation (competition treatment)
- Detailed description of the outcome variable to measure moral behavior
- Exact empirical specification to test for a possible competition effect on moral behavior
- Any exclusion criteria of the analysis sample (if applicable)
- Estimated length of the experiment
- Incentive structure
- Expected bonus payment per subject (on top of GBP 1.30 show-up fee)
- Experimental software the RT plans to use
- Expanation of whether and why the conditions for a shortcut IRB apply to this experiment
The file names refer to a unique Research Team ID identifying each individual design proposal.