**Original paper:** <br>
Straussman R., Morikawa T., Shee K., Barzily-Rokni M., Qian Z.R., Du J., Davis A., Mongare M.M., Gould J., Frederick D.T., Cooper Z.A., Chapman P.B., Solit D.B., Ribas A., Lo R.S., Flaherty K.T., Ogino S., Wargo J.A., Golub T.R. <a href="http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v487/n7408/full/nature11183.html" target="_blank">Tumour micro-environment elicits innate resistance to RAF inhibitors through HGF secretion</a>. Nature. 2012 Jul 26;487(7408):500-4. doi: 10.1038/nature11183.
This project contains all information pertaining to the replication of key experiments from this paper. It includes the detailed protocols, including reagents and author clarifications. We also include any comments from other contributors, researchers from the Science Exchange network, and further information with the original authors that we have learned since the beginning of the project. When experimental studies begin all data collected will also be deposited here, including data analysis and eventually the final written report.
**Registered Report**: <br>
The <a href="http://elifesciences.org/content/3/e04034" target="_blank">published Registered Report</a> by *eLife* contains the protocol details, calculations to determine the needed sampling, analysis plan, and an introduction describing the findings to be replicated and summary of current evidence for the findings. Additional materials relating to the Registered Report can be found <a href="https://osf.io/2w6kd/wiki/home/">here</a>.