In two questionnaire studies, participants rated whether disagreement about 95 attitude pairs or 190 individual attitudes were characterized by threat, complexity, morality, politics, and harm. The attitudes cover a range of different topics, from abstract concepts to social groups and political figures and are the same attitudes in the Attitudes, Identities, and Individual Differences Study (Hussey et al., 2018). The data sets include ratings of each attitude, as well as basic demographic information about the participants. Data can be combined with the Attitudes, Identities, and Individual Differences Study and can also be used to understand how some attitudes are perceived, which may be useful when planning studies.
sample1anon.csv and sample2anon.csv are the raw and anonymized data files. The variables can be interpreted with the help of the study materials (Sample_1_AIID_Study.docx and Sample_2_AIID_Study.docx) and the codebooks (codebook-sample1.html and codebook-sample2.html).
For the numbers and figures in the data paper, the script datapaper.sample1.R and datapaper.sample2.R were used. They created Excel files containing the demographic information reported in the text (sample1demo.xlsx and sample2demo.xlsx), the two scatterplots reported in the text (sample1scatter.png and sample2scatter.png), and computed the means for each attitude and rating (sample1means.csv and sample2means.csv). These latter files are useful for anyone simply interested in which attitudes score the highest on which domains.