### Welcome
This project has been set up to work on establishing a minimal set of mandatory questions in order to benchmark Research Data Management training.
#### Rationale
The purpose of setting of the minimal set of questions for benchmarking is to identify what works best for RDM training. If same set of questions are used in feedback forms, combined with sharing of training materials and contextual information about sessions should facilitate exchange of good practice and ideas. As a result, this should allow constant improvement and innovation in RDM training.
#### Calls / meetings
* 3 July 2017, 15.30 - 16.30 BST [notes][4]
* 15 June 2017 [notes][1]
#### Questions
The set of [mandatory questions to be used][2] has been agreed.
[Suggestions for additional questions] [3] have also been made.
#### Methodology
[Methods] [4] are given for how the mandatory questions were determined.
### Want to contribute?
Simply e-mail **RDMTRAININGBENCHMARK@JISCMAIL.AC.UK** with your e-mail address, name and surname and you will be added as a contributor to this page.
You can also e-mail **RDMTRAININGBENCHMARK@JISCMAIL.AC.UK** to message all contributors at once.
[1]: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rojNNpfhxOpVXMPHfswITAJSmojEM6H9mXz1RVceH0M/edit#
[2]: https://osf.io/6au9b/
[3]: https://osf.io/3vp9k/
[4]: https://osf.io/5b4ja/