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The purpose of this pilot is to demonstrate that the experiments are working as expected at each site. Before sites begin full data collection, their pilot data is uploaded here. Note that some pilot subjects may not have completed all tasks, but each task was completed by at least one subject. This data will not be analyzed or used in the study, and none of the pilot participants will be allowed to partake in the full study. The numbered subfolders within the "Between_Subj_Data" folder correspond to tasks. The pilot data is within these subfolders. For all behavioral tasks, any notable information, such as technical issues, are explained in the BehavioralLogs folder. The EEG logs are in the "11)EEG_da" and "12)EEG_mi3" subfolders for each site. **File Naming Conventions** Each participant has a unique subjID/uniID combination. **subjID.** For the pilot subject, the subjID is 'p1'. If a second pilot subject was run, it is labeled 'p2'. If the same pilot subject reran a task again (e.g., due to code changes), their subjID has '_v2' appended to it (e.g., 'p1_v2'). **uniID.** A unique university ID for each site.
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