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**EDITOR'S INSTRUCTIONS:** *Use this space to keep notes on testing, listing any problems, accidental deviations from the protocol, or necessary exclusions as they occur. In the case of accidental deviations from the protocol, be sure to also consult the editor ( when they occur. When the study is complete, delete this editor instruction, but retain the lab log below.* Lab Log ------- *Provide details about your testing here. This is a good place to note any problems during testing. We recommend recording the time and date of any problems to allow easier verification of your records here.* With the permission of the editor we fixed the typo in the questionnaire after one participant completed the study. **Lab Logs Containing Participant ID, Notes, and Researcher** **Participant 1 (Researcher: CAC)** Asked two questions: "What is the 'pilot study' that it is asking about?" and "What does it mean by did everyone get the same form?" I said that the pilot study was the paper questionnaire at the beginning and that sometimes we have multiple people in the room at once, but she could answer the question in reference to whether the next person to come in would answer the same questions. **Participant 2 (Researcher: CAC)** Asked me to define "salience" on the priming questionnaire. I responded that it was "how obvious something is" and the participant said okay before i could provide other related words. Based on the written response, I believe the word was understood. **Participant 3 (Researcher: KC)** Asked what "linked to your partner" meant on the priming questionnaire. I said "ways in which your lives have become attached or connected." Participant also clicked through the end instructions on the computer questionnaire until the priming question came up and asked if they should do anything on that screen. **Participant 4 (Researcher: KC)** No notes. **Participant 5 (Researcher: KC)** Participant clicked through end instruction screens to prime question. **Participant 6 (Researcher: CAC)** Participant asked what salient meant on the prime **Participant 7 (Researcher: CAC)** Reading the script wasn't as smooth as I would have liked. Participant was unsure of whether to do the computer or paper-and-pencil survey first, but I made sure she completed the prime first. **Participant 8 (Researcher: KC)** Participant showed up about 15 minutes early while I was still setting up. **Participant 9 (Researcher: HK)** Was unsure gender of participant based on name - so I put the sheet down next to the computer when the participant was reading the consent form. I missed the line "a brief, open-ended questionnaire" in the prompt. Participant said "ok" before I said "If it is okay with you" The fridge went off when I was describing the participants rights as a participant. Participant looked startled. Told the participant it might go on and off and not to worry about it. **GENERAL NOTE** Because of the possibility that the fridge may continue to be distracting to participants, we decided not to collect data from participants in this room anymore. From this point on (i.e., after July 17, 2015), Heidi only collected data from participants in room JO 2.22. **Participant 10 (Researcher: HK)** After I got through the first two lines of the prompt, the participant said - "ok, yeah, I will do it" right as I was saying the third line. While she was filling out the prime, the computer survey timed out. I had to take a minute to get it back online. There will be two lines for participant 10, but only one line of data. There was a break between completing the prime and doing the vignettes. Also, at the end she said that in the middle of the doing the computer survey she realized that I had "lied" to her and that the paper questionnaire and the computer survey were the same study. **Participant 11 (Researcher: KC)** Participant showed up an hour early and asked if they could start then, we decided that starting early should not impact the results **Participant 12 (Researcher: CAC)** Participant asked what salient meant **Participant 13 (Researcher: CAC)** No notes. **Participant 14 (Researcher: KC)** No notes. **Participant 15 (Researcher: RA)** Participant asked what "salient" meant. I responded with "very apparent or noticeable." After participant left and I went to enter the priming condition into the computer, I noticed that the participant did not complete the funneled debriefing questions. **Participant 16 (Researcher: KC)** Participant asked what "salient" and "monogamy" meant. For monogamy I said "being with one person exclusively." **Participant 17 (Researcher: HK)** No questions, but there was drilling outside my lab during the session **Participant 18 (Researcher: RA)** No notes. **Participant 19 (Researcher: RA)** No notes. **Participant 20 (Researcher: RA)** Participant pressed the back key at one point during the study and had to have me reload the page. Not sure if this affected anything. **Participant 21 (Researcher: RA)** No notes. **Participant 22 (Researcher: RA)** No notes. **Participant 23 (Researcher: RA)** Participant asked what "salient" meant. I responded with "noticeable." **Participant 24 (Researcher: KC)** No notes. **Participant 25 (Researcher: KC)** No notes. **Participant 26 (Researcher: KC)** No notes. **General Note** Rob, Conrad, and Kevin recognized that they had each been deviating slightly from the protocol by not advancing to the next screen on the qualtrics questionnaire after entering participants ID number on the screen. From this point forward, Rob, Conrad, and Kevin made sure to advance to the next screen. **Participant 27 (Researcher: KC)** No notes. **Participant 28 (Researcher: KC)** Participant noted a typo on one of the computer questions (labelled #19 I believe). It has the word "my" where it should read "me" **Participant 29 (Researcher: KC)** Participant asked what "sexual monogamy" meant. **Participant 30 (Researcher: KC)** No notes. **Participant 31 (Researcher: CAC)** No notes. **Participant 32 (Researcher: CAC)** No notes. **Participant 33 (Researcher: CAC)** No notes. **Participant 34 (Researcher: CAC)** Participant asked what "salient" meant. They were the only one with that questionnaire. **Participant 35 (Researcher: RA)** No notes. **Participant 36 (Researcher: RA)** Participant asked what "salient" meant. I said "noticeable". **Participant 37 (Researcher: RA)** I deviated a little from the prompt that mentioned the other study (specifically, I did not say "on her behalf"). Moreover, the participant interrupted me during this prompt, and asked whether the other study was on the computer. I clarified that it was the sheet next to the computer and continued with the prompt. **Participant 38 (Researcher: HK)** No notes. **Participant 39 (Researcher: HK)** No notes. **Participant 40 (Researcher: HK)** Some hammer/construction noise. When delivering the prompt, she said that "open-ended" seemed scary in regards to the paper questionnaire. I told her that she didn't have to answer any questions that she was not comfortable answering **Participant 41 (Researcher: RA)** No notes. **Participant 42 (Researcher: RA)** No notes. **Participant 43 (Researcher: RA)** Participant asked what "salient" meant. I said "noticeable". **Participant 44 (Researcher: RA)** No notes. **Participant 45 (Researcher: RA)** No notes. **Participant 46 (Researcher: RA)** No notes. **Participant 47 (Researcher: KC)** No notes. **Participant 48 (Researcher: KC)** Participant asked what "salient" meant. **Participant 49 (Researcher: KC)** No notes. **Participant 50 (Researcher: KC)** No notes. **Participant 51 (Researcher: CAC)** Participant's phone kept going off, probably 5 times throughout the study, it was a text tone of a whistle. **Participant 52 (Reseacher: CAC)** Asked what "salient" meant; Participant 51's phone kept going off, probably 5 times throughout the study, it was a text tone of a whistle. **Participant 53 (Researcher: RA)** Participant seemed to be know other participant in session (seemed as if they were in same class). **Participant 54 (Researcher: RA)** Participant seemed to be know other participant in session (seemed as if they were in same class). **Participant 55 (Researcher: HK)** Participant asked whether the word "trait" in the second question of the prime referred to physical or psychological. I said that it could refer to either, but choose one that makes the most sense to the participant. **Participant 56 (Researcher: HK)** Participant answer text after consent, but before the the experimental prompt. Asked participant to refrain from using phone during the rest of the study. After I said the part of the prompt "...administer a brief, open-ended questionnaire to you" She said "Yes, I will do it". I continued with "you can fill out the sheet that is next to the computer" Participant asked what salient meant. I said noticable. Participant also clarified that it is not just physical characteristics but also "emotional." I said yes. **Participant 57 (Researcher:HK)** Missed the line in the prompt about questions after the line "the instructions are on the sheet", but added it back in after telling participant to put the sheet face down on the table when they are done. **Participant 58 (Researcher: RA)** No notes. **Participant 59 (Researcher: KC)** No notes. **Participant 60 (Researcher: KC)** No notes. **Participant 61 (Researcher: KC)** No notes. **Participant 62 (Researcher: KC)** No notes. **Participant 63 (Researcher: KC)** No notes. **Participant 64 (Researcher: KC)** No notes. **Participant 65 (Researcher: CAC)** Pariticpant asked what "independent from partner" and "salient" meant. **Participant 66 (Researcher: CAC)** No notes. **General Note** We checked the demographics of the study on Monday (9-07-15). After excluding two participants who were 26 (apparently, they did not read the study requirements), we found that our sample was about 90% women and on average about 21 years old. The protocol requires that we have 20-80% women in our sample and that the average age be between 18 and 19 years. On our application, we had said we would screen the demographics of our sample midway through data collection, and if we found that our sample was older, we would restrict future participants to be between the ages of 18-19. We further said that we would pursue the same strategy to ensure that our gender breakdown matches what is required by the protocol. Because we were concerned that sticking with this exact plan may hurt our chances of collecting enough people for the study, we asked the editor if we could deviate from this protocol. With the editor's approval (who was blind to the actual data), we decided to restrict the age range of participants to 18-21 years. In addition, we modified the posting of study sessions so that a smaller proportion of the time slots (or openings with those time slots) are available for women. Specifically, we made it so that 3 of the 5 openings for each study session in the PAIR lab were restricted to men. Similarly, we made it so that 60% of the sessions for Heidi’s lab (randomly chosen) were restricted to men. IRB approval for these changes was requested on 9/14/15 and received on 9/15/15. These changes were implemented on 9/15/15. **Participant 67 (Researcher: RA)** While reciting the prompt regarding the "collaborator"'s study, the participant prematurely agreed to complete the additional study. I nevertheless continued and asked whether the participant would be willing to complete the additional questionnaire. I don't think it came off too unnatural, but there is a possibility the participant may have become suspicious. 9/17: While checking data for a separate project hosted on Qualtrics, one of the researchers (CAC) accidentally opened the responses of participant 67. Upon seeing "Participant ID: 67" he realized that this was not the intended project and backed out without seeing any other data. **Participant 68 (Researcher: RA)** No notes. **Participant 69 (Researcher: KC)** Participant asked what "salient" meant. **Participant 70 (Researcher: CAC)** Participant asked what "salient" meant. **Participant 71 (Researcher: RA)** No notes. **Participant 72 (Researcher: RA)** No notes. **Participant 73 (Researcher: RA)** When reading prompt about completing "collaborator's study", I forgot to say the part that states "Given that my student only takes about 20 minutes..." Also, the participant seemed to rush through some parts of the questionnaires on the computer. **Participant 74 (Researcher: KC)** No notes. **Participants 75 (Researcher:KC)** No notes. **Participant 76 (Researcher: RA)** Participant asked what "salient" meant. I said "noticeable." Participant ID was marked as 74 on the paper questionnaire and online questionnaire. The session was run on 9/28/15 at 9:30am. KC changed the paper questionnaire ID to 76. Once data collection is complete, the ID on the online questionnaire will be changed to 76 as well. **Participant 77 (Researcher: KC)** No notes. **Participant 78 (Researcher: CC)** No notes. **Participant 79 (Researcher: CC)** No notes. **Participant 80 (Researcher: CC)** Participant was very willing to complete the prime, I provided the majority of the information still, but because expressed a willinggness to do so as soon as I mentioned it, I omited the question of "Would that be ok?". Additionally, participant asked me if all participants received the same prime while completing the funnel debrief, I said that I would be happy to answer that later. **Participant 81 (Researcher: CC)** Participant asked what "salient" meant. **Participant 82 (Researcher: CC)** No notes. **Participant 83 (Researcher: RA)** While I was reading the prompt about my "collaborator," the participant began clicking through questions on the computer portion. However, she then asked whether I was referring to the sheet, and I responded "yes". While completing the prime, participant asked what the last question about commitment meant (i.e., name two reasons you are committed to your partner). I responded "reasons why you want to stay with your partner." Later, while completing the computer portion, participant asked what "fate" meant. I responded "destiny." **Participant 84 (Researcher: RA)** Participant asked what "salient" meant. I said "noticeable." **Participant 85 (Researcher: KC)** Participant asked what "salient" meant. I said "apparent". **Participant 86 (Researcher: KC)** No notes. **GENERAL NOTE** On 10/02/2015, CC generated a second set of random orders for both men and women because we have run a large number of female participants. Currently only the sheets previously generated for women are low, but we wanted to generate both tables simultaneously to ensure that the same procedure was followed as during the first generation. Additionally, while refering to the R script, it was noticed that the initial randomization files were not uploaded on our project page. They are now uploaded and the second set is also uploaded, denoted by the same file name with a "2" included. Additionally, I previously did not upload which condition we considered "A" and "B" on these tables to mean. When generating condition order, I considered "A" to represent the high commitment condition. **Participant 87 (Researcher: KC)** Participant asked what salient meant. I said "apparent". **Participant 88 (Researcher: CC)** No notes. **Participant 89 (Researcher: CC)** No notes. **Participant 90 (Researcher: RA)** Participant received a phone call or text while completing the informed consent. She then appeared to turn off her phone (I think anyway; I didn't ask). **Participant 91 (Researcher: RA)** No notes. **Participant 92 (Researcher: HK)** Participant asked what the questionnaire "for my colleague" was about. I told her I was not sure. **Participant 93 (Researcher: RA)** No notes. **Participant 94 (Researcher: RA)** Participant asked what "salient" meant. I said "noticeable". **Participant 95 (Researcher: CC)** Participant did not ask what salient meant, but did indicate that they were unsure of what it meant on the priming questionnaire. They then made two columns and listed "good" and "bad" characteristics of their partner. **Participant 96 (Researcher: RA)** Participant sneezed twice during the study, and I said "bless you." Also, when completing the prime, the participant asked what "trait" meant. I responded "an internal attribute, like personality." **Participant 97 (Researcher: RA)** No notes. Note that when going through my emails, I found a message from this participant stating that she is ineligible to participate. We should probably exclude her data. **Participant 98 (Researcher: KC)** Participant spent a long time filling out the funnel debriefing and would frequently erase what they typed. **Participant 99 (Researcher: KC)** Participant asked what "salient" meant. I said "noticeable". Google Chrome crashed while participant was completing the demographics questions. I restarted the browser and was able to restore the survey back to where it was. **Participant 100 (Researcher: CC)** No notes. **Participant 101 (Researcher: HK)** No notes. **Participant 102 (Researcher: KC)** No notes. **Participant 103 (Researcher: KC)** Participant asked what "salient" meant. I said "noticeable". **Participant 104 (Researcher: KC)** No notes. **Participant 105 (Researcher: RA)** No notes. **Participant 106 (Researcher: CC)** Participant 107 asked what was meant by "pilot study" while participant 106 was still completing Likert scale items. I believe participant 106 was on the final page of items before the funnel debrief questions. **Participant 107 (Researcher: CC)** Participant asked what the "pilot study" was, I informed them that it was the paper and pencil survey. Please see entry for participant 106 as well. **Participant 108 (Researcher: CC)** Participant asked what salient meant. I said "obvious, apparent, or defining characteristic." **Participant 109 (Researcher: RA)** No notes. **Participant 110 (Researcher: HK)** Said that she would complete the questionnaire and that Dr. Prager is one of her professors. **Participant 111 (Researcher: RA)** I did not get to finish priming description (i.e., when I stated that I have a colleague who was wondering if I would take a few minutes..., the participant immediately said "yes, yes". So I decided to forego reading the rest of the description and just gave her the instructions on completing the questionnaire. **Participant 112 (Researcher: KC)** Participant asked whether the open-ended questionnaire referred to the paper that was next to the computer. I said that it was. Participant asked what "salient" meant. I said "noticeable". **Participant 113 (Researcher: CC)** Participant asked if salient was a positive or negative characteristic. I said "salient is a noticeable or apparent characteristic. It doesn't have to be positive or negative." **Participant 114 (Researcher: CC)** No notes. **Participant 115 (Researcher: CC)** Participant stated that their partner recently moved near by and asked if they should put the recent amount of time spent together and distance or what it has been in the past. I informed the participant to use the more recent information (it seemed as though this would be more relevant to any hypotheses of moderation). **Participant 116 (Researcher: RA)** Participant was a student that once worked in the lab (but never completed or knew of this study). Participant actually works in the other professor's lab that we mention in our cover story about the colleague needing pretest information for a research program. Participant didn't know if she should complete the sheet because of working of this lab, and I said it was up to her. Participant decided to complete sheet given that she did not work on this particular study. All things considered, it may be a good idea to exclude these data from the analyses. **Participant 117 (Researcher: RA)** Participant asked what "salient" meant. I said "noticeable." **Participant 118 (Researcher: RA)** Participant began computer questionnaire before completing priming questionnaire. As soon as I heard her using the mouse with the computer, I reminded her to complete the sheet next to the computer first. Not sure how far she got in the computer portion (I'm guessing not very far). **Participant 119 (Researcher: KC)** No notes. **Participant 120 (Researcher: KC)** Participant asked what "salient" meant. I said "noticeable". **Participant 121 (Researcher: CC)** Prior to beginning the prime, the participant asked if I would be alright with them listening to music, I stated that it would be preferable if they did not and asked if that was okay with them (to provide an option to withdraw if they chose to). Participant asked what salient meant, I said "noticable, apparent, or obvious". Participant asked what they should put if they would not care about the first hypothetical incident, I explained that the incident is hypothetical and they should rate each of their possible responses on how likely they are to act that way. I also said "if you would not react in any of those ways, then you could indicate that each of them is unlikely." The participant asked for clarification on the "how often you see your partner" question. I indicated that it should be face to face and over the recent time frame rather than whole relationship. While completing the funnel debreif, the participant asked if everyone was given the same questionnaire. I stated that the question is asking whether they thought other participants would receive the same paper questionnaire when they completed the study. **Participant 122 (Researcher: CC)** Participant asked what salient means. I said "apparent or noticeable characteristic". **Participant 123 (Researcher: RA)** I did not get to finish the cover story. As soon as I mentioned that my colleague wondered if I could administer a brief open-ended questionnaire to her, she said "yes". I then continued by saying that the instructions are on the sheet, etc. I should also mentioned that the colleague mentioned is actually her professor, and participant mentioned that she just got out of the colleague's class. Instead of informing me that she had finished the computer questionnaires, participant completed the portion which asks which study condition she was in and the lab. I asked her what condition she chose (she said "high commitment", which was actually correct). Moreover, she put down 4.310 for the lab room (instead of PAIR lab). **Participant 124 (Researcher: HK)** Participant asked if she should just start writing on the questionnaire. I told her that there were specific questions on the back. **Participant 125 (Researcher: RA)** I did not get to finish the cover story. As soon as I mentioned that my colleague wondered if I could administer a brief open-ended questionnaire to her, she said "yes". I then continued by saying that the instructions are on the sheet, etc. In addition, participant began computer questionnaire before completing priming questionnaire. As soon as I heard her using the mouse with the computer, I reminded her to complete the sheet next to the computer first. Not sure how far she got in the computer portion (I'm guessing not very far). **Participant 126 (Researcher: RA)** After finishing the cover story, I noticed that the participant was about to begin the computer questionnaire before completing the priming questionnaire. I therefore asked the participant to complete the sheet next to the computer first. Towards the end of the study, I noticed the participant held up the priming questionnaire before answering a questionnaire on the computer. Because I was anxious that the participant may be completing the screen with questions regarding the priming condition (as happened to me on a previous occassion), I asked the participant if he was entering the condition. Unfortunately, this was not the case. The participant was answering the question regarding whether the two studies were linked. Given my question, it is possible that the participant may have gained more insight into the design of the study when completing the funnelled debriefing. **Participant 127 (Researcher: KC)** No notes. **Participant 128 (Researcher: KC)** Participant heard the description of the study twice. As I was finishing reading the description of the study, participant 129 showed up about 10 minutes late to the session. I asked participant 128 if it would be alright if I started over and read the description of the study again to both participants. They said that they didn't mind. **Participant 129 (Researcher: KC)** Showed up a little over 10 minutes late to the session, which led to participant 128 hearing the description of the study twice (see above). **Participant 130 (Researcher: KC)** No notes. **Participant 131 (Researcher: KC)** No notes. **Participant 132 (Researcher: KC)** Participant tried to start on computer questionaiire before doing the priming questionnaire. I noticed and instructed them to finish the paper questionnaire first. **Participant 133 (Researcher: CC)** Participant asked if "one of the activities that you enjoy" on the prime was supposed to be the activity that he enjoyed the most. I said that I think it just needs to be an activity that he enjoys doing without his partner around. Participant also asked what salient meant. **Participant 134 (Researcher: CC)** No notes. **Participant 135 (Researcher: CC)** Participant asked what salient meant. I described it as noticeable, apparent, or defining. **Participant 136 (Researcher: CC)** No notes. **Participant 137 (Researcher: CC)** No notes. **Participant 138 (Researcher: RA)** Participant began computer questionnaire before completing priming questionnaire. As soon as I heard her using the mouse with the computer, I reminded her to complete the sheet next to the computer first. Not sure how far she got in the computer portion (I'm guessing not very far). **Participant 139 (Researcher: RA)** Participant asked what "salient" meant. I said "noticeable." Participant also asked what the questionnaire meant by declaring all items at customs. I replied that this meant declaring items at the airport. **Participant 140 (Researcher: RA)** Participant asked what "salient" meant. I said "noticeable." **Participant 141 (Researcher: RA)** I did not get to finish the cover story. As soon as I mentioned that my colleague wondered if I could administer a brief open-ended questionnaire to her, she said "yes". I then continued by saying that the instructions are on the sheet, etc. **Participant 142 (Researcher: RA)** I did not get to finish the cover story. As soon as I mentioned that my colleague wondered if I could administer a brief open-ended questionnaire to her, she said "yes". I then continued by saying that the instructions are on the sheet, etc. **Participant 143 (Researcher: HK)** No notes. **Participant 144 (Researcher: RA)** No notes. **Participant 145 (Researcher: RA)** No notes. **Participant 146 (Researcher: RA)** Participant asked what "salient" meant. I said "noticeable." **Participant 147 (Researcher: RA)** Participant asked what "salient" meant. I said "noticeable." **Participant 148 (Researcher: RA)** No notes. **Participant 149 (Researcher: RA)** Participant asked what "salient" meant. I said "noticeable." **Participant 150 (Researcher: RA)** Participant asked what "salient" meant. I said "noticeable." Also, participant asked what "trait" meant. I said "like a personality attribute." **Participant 151 (Researcher: RA)** No notes. **Participant 152 (Researcher: RA)** No notes. **Participant 153 (Researcher: RA)** One participant for session showed up late, and so introduction to study was covered twice. **Participant 154 (Researcher: RA)** One participant for session showed up late, and so introduction to study was covered twice. **Participant 155 (Researcher: RA)** One participant for session showed up late, and so introduction to study was covered twice. **Participant 156 (Researcher: RA)** No notes. **Participant 157 (Researcher: KC)** No notes. **Participant 158 (Researcher: KC)** No notes. **Participant 159 (Researcher: KC)** No notes. **Participant 160 (Researcher: KC)** No notes. **Participant 161 (Researcher: KC)** No notes. **Participant 162 (Researcher: KC)** No notes. **Participant 163 (Researcher: KC)** No notes. **Participant 164 (Researcher: KC)** No notes. **Participant 165 (Researcher: KC)** No notes. **Participant 166 (Researcher: KC)** No notes. **Participant 167 (Researcher: KC)** No notes. **Participant 168 (Researcher: KC)** No notes. **Participant 169 (Researcher: KC)** No notes. **Participant 170 (Researcher: KC)** No notes. **Participant 171 (Researcher: KC)** No notes. **Participant 172 (Researcher: KC)** No notes. **Participant 173 (Researcher: KC)** No notes. **Participant 174 (Researcher: KC)** No notes. **Participant 175 (Researcher: KC)** No notes. **Participant 176 (Researcher: KC)** No notes. **Participant 177 (Reseacher: CC)** Asked what salient meant. I stated apparent or defining. **Participant 178 (Researcher: CC)** Asked "were we supposed to know if everyone got the same form?" I stated that the question was asking for her thoughts on whether or not that happened and she was not supposed to know. I believe one other participant was completeing the debrief at this time. **Participant 179 (Researcher: CC)** No notes. **Participant 180 (Researcher: CC)** No notes. **Participant 181 (Researcher: CC)** No notes. **Participant 182 (Researcher: CC)** No notes. **Participant 183 (Researcher: CC)** No notes. **Participant 184 (Researcher: CC)** No notes. **Participant 185 (Researcher: CC)** No notes. **Participant 186 (Researcher: CC)** Participant asked me about the debriefing question asking if everyone had the same pilot study form. I told him that it was just asking whether he thought everyone had the same paper at the beginning. **Participant 187 (Researcher: CC)** No notes. **Participant 188 (Researcher: CC)** No notes. **Participant 189 (Researcher: CC)** No notes. **Participant 190 (Researcher: CC)** No notes. **Participant 191 (Researcher: CC)** No notes. **Participant 192 (Researcher: CC)** No notes. **Participant 193 (Researcher: CC)** No notes. **Participant 194 (Researcher: CC)** No notes. **Participant 195 (Researcher: CC)** No notes. **Participant 196 (Researcher: CC)** No notes. **Participant 197 (Researcher: RA)** No notes. **Participant 198 (Researcher: RA)** No notes. **Participant 199 (Researcher: RA)** No notes. **Participant 200 (Researcher: RA)** No notes. **Participant 201 (Researcher: RA)** Participant began computer questionnaire before completing priming questionnaire. As soon as I heard her using the mouse with the computer, I reminded her to complete the sheet next to the computer first. Not sure how far she got in the computer portion (I'm guessing not very far). **General Note (Researcher: RA)** Two participants reported a year in school other than first-year, second-year, third-year, or fourth-year. To ensure participant anonymity, I replaced these two instances with a score of 4 (i.e., for fourth-year).
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