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#### **An open access article describing this study is available:** Humphreys JM, Srygley RB, Branson DH. Geographic Variation in Migratory Grasshopper Recruitment under Projected Climate Change. Geographies. 2022; 2(1):12-30. [][1] ![enter image description here][2] #### **A video presenting remote sensing aspects of this study is available on YouTube:** Combining remote sensing and demographic data to forecast *Melanoplus sanguinipes* population dynamics. Use of Remote Sensing for Orthoptera in Pests, Inter American Coordinating Group in Plant Protection, San José, Costa Rica, February 23, 2022. [][3] (starting at 35 minutes) #### **Overview:** ![enter image description here][4] The objective of this project was to leverage ten-years of *Melanoplus sanguinipes* (Msang) field survey data to assess the response of nymph recruitment under projected climate conditions through the year 2040. To achieve this goal, a multi-level, joint modeling framework was developed that individually assessed nymph and adult life stages while concurrently accounting for observation bias connected to preferential sampling. To ensure that density-dependence between Msang life stages was realistically captured, the model incorporated shared spatiotemporal effects that permitted adult–nymph interactions to inform demographic estimates. #### **Model code and data:** Simulated grasshopper occurrences and r-code are provided in the [Model Code and Data section][5]. Executed code can be viewed as a wepgae at RPubs: [][6] [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]: [5]: [6]:
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