EEG data were collected using Interaxon's wearable EEG headset Model 2016), and with the Muse Monitor App on Chromebooks via Bluetooth connection, in .csv format.
Sample rate = 256 Hz. Data resolution: 12-bits. 10/20 standard electrode coordinates.
EEG channels include two frontal silver (AF7 and AF8), two temporoparietal (TP) silicone electrodes (TP9 and TP10), and a reference electrode (FPz).
Validation of the signal for ERP research:
During EEG recordings, participants were instructed to focus their attention on their breath and count each inhalation/exhalation cycle (eyes closed).
Self-reported well-being levels were obtained using the validated Arizona Integrative Outcoe Scale (AIOS; Bell et al., 2004) in SurveyMonkey). The AIOS assesses a self-rated global sense of physical, social, psychological, affective, and spiritual well-being over the past 24 hours.
All data are anonymous; consent was obtained for each participant; participation was voluntary; study approved by the institutational review board (IRB).
"Ressources" folder includes:
- channel coordinates and scalp representation
- system specifications and signal validation (pages 6 and 7)
- an illustration of raw EEG data acquired by this system
- an illustration of power spectrum acquired with this system
- an illustration of the automatic cleaning method to remove non-brain artifacts (see manuscript for description and cross-validation)