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# CHLSOC: The Chilean Soil Organic Carbon database, a multi-institutional collaborative effort One of the critical aspects in modelling soil organic carbon (SOC) predictions is the lack of access to soil information which is concentrated in regions of high agricultural interest. In Chile, most soil and SOC data to date is highly concentrated in 25\% of the territory that has intensive agricultural or forestry use. Vast areas beyond those forms of land use have few or no soil data available. Here, we present a new database of SOC for the country, which is the product of an unprecedented national effort under the frame of the Global Soil Partnership that help to build the largest database on SOC to date in Chile named “CHLSOC" comprising 13,612 data points. This dataset is the product of the compilation from numerous sources including unpublished and difficult to access data, allowing to fill numerous spatial gaps where no SOC estimates were publicly available before. The values of SOC compiled in CHLSOC range from 6×10$^{-5}$ to 83.3\%, reflecting the variety of ecosystems that exists in Chile. Profiting from the richness of geochemical, topographic and climatic variability in Chile, the dataset has the potential to inform and test models trying to predict SOC stocks and dynamics at larger spatial scales.
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