## Module Activity ##
Interactive activities are included in many of the modules. These exercises include: short readings and questions, fill in the blanks, drag and drop matching, multiple choice questions, and checklists. These activities give the learner “hands on” demonstrations of each of the module topics and can be printed out for reference.
Exercises have been adapted and expanded upon from the NECDMC Curriculum for this online course, as well as additional activities have been created. The activities have been made interactive through the Canvas platform, and are also available via the Open Science Framework project companion site.
#### Module 1: Research Lifecycle ####
1) [Exercise][1]: Activity Exercise
3) [Explanation][2]: Exercise and Answer Explanations
[1]: https://osf.io/nfbxy/wiki/Activity%20Exercise/
[2]: https://osf.io/nfbxy/wiki/Activity%20Explanation/