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Category: Project

Description: This research project is seeking to highlight cultural pioneers who earned doctorates at a time when people of color were actively discouraged from pursuing higher education. Our goals are to collect dissertations and information about individuals who earned their PhD before 1970 and identified as a person of color (1980 for indigenous people). This includes their dissertation, achievements and other research and professional contributions they made.

License: CC0 1.0 Universal


Pioneering People of Color in Psychology

Running List of Psychologists

Biographical Resources

This project is seeking to highlight pioneering women and men who earned the first doctorates in psychology as people of color in the United States. Our short term goal is to highlight their achievements including their dissertation and other research and professional contributions they made.

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Details and Background

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Diversifying the Personality Puzzle

We will use this component to log our findings related to contributions made by persons of color to the field of Personality Psychology

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diversityfirst fivejusticelist of dissertations and contributionspioneerssustainabilitywomen of color

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