**Original citation.** Förster, J., Liberman, N., & Kuschel, S. (2008). The effect of global versus local processing styles on assimilation versus contrast in social judgment. *Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 94*, 579-599.
**Target of replication.** We seek to replicate the original authors' finding from Study 1 that processing style influenced the impact of a prime on participants’ social judgment ratings, F(2, 76) = 21.57, p < .0001.
**A priori replication criteria.** We planned to conduct a 3 (processing style: global vs. local vs. control) X 2 (semantic priming: aggression vs. neutral) between-participants analysis of variance (ANOVA) on the average of the two aggressiveness ratings. We expect the interaction to show assimilation from inducing global and control processing: participants will give higher aggression ratings after aggression priming than after neutral priming. However, we also expect a contrast effect from inducing local processing: we anticipate that participants will give higher aggression ratings after neutral priming than after aggression priming.
**Conclusion.** We replicated the main effect of processing style on aggression ratings, however the global processing induction (and not the local processing induction) mainly drove this effect. We did not replicate the main effect of semantic priming on aggression ratings. Finally, we did not replicate the target finding of a significant interaction between cognitive processing style and semantic priming on participants’ ratings of John’s behavior. For more information, see the replication report.