The Aging and Autism Study Data Repository & Codebook houses the materials and data for all measures assessed in the survey-based portion of the study.
Each folder contains:
1. A pdf of the survey participants saw in REDCap or their survey packet,
2. A pdf with the R code used to score the measure, descriptive and reliability statistics, and a histogram of the data distribution,
3. csv data files.
Unless otherwise indicated, scores are mean scores and indicate higher levels of the construct.
Please visit https://osf.io/g9c3e/ to view the funded version of the grant as well as the registry of existing studies and preregistrations of the grant.
In using data from this data repository, you agree to:
- Cite this data repository
- Preregister your secondary data analyses following best practices in secondary data analysis (Weston et al., 2019)
- Review prior studies and preregistrations from this data and cite where appropriate
- Link your preregistration with the Aging and Autism Study Registry on OSF
- Provide your code and deidentified data as a supplement to any conference presentation or manuscript
Weston, S. J., Ritchie, S. J., Rohrer, J. M., & Przybylski, A. K. (2019). Recommendations for increasing the transparency of analysis of preexisting data sets. *Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, 2*, 214-227.