**Checklist for Research Workflow**
1. ____ Once idea and design is elaborated, evaluate the project’s feasibility, potential impact, and perceived likelihood of success. Confirm allocation of resources after comparing this project with alternative resource investments
2. ____ Complete [research implementation checklist][1] to initiate research, document the research plan, and share with collaborators
3. ____ Once data collection is complete, post raw data files to OSF project
4. ____ Once initial data analysis is complete, post analysis scripts, codebook, and cleaned data files to OSF project
5. ____ Once final data analysis is complete, post analysis scripts, and updated codebook and cleaned files to OSF project
6. ____ Add a short, narrative summary of the project findings to OSF project, register project
7. ____ If project is private, decide whether and when to make project or project components public
8. ____ Decide next step: project dead, project paused, investigation continuing, or writing report
a. If investigation continuing, restart this checklist
b. If writing report, move on to [writing report checklist][2]
[1]: https://osf.io/mv8pj/wiki/Research%20Implementation/
[2]: https://osf.io/mv8pj/wiki/writing%20report/