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This repository contains modified versions of the Flanker, Odd-man-out, and Simon tasks implemented in *OpenSesame* (Mathôt et al. 2021), as well as a modified auditory version of the digit span task, implemented in *SoSci* Survey (Leiner, 2019). For the *OpenSesame* version tasks, there are two possible ways for implementation. Note, that task instructions are written in German (FlankerTaskDE, OddManOutDE, SimonTaskDE) and English (FlankerTaskEN, OddManOutEN, SimonTaskEN). Thus, in case your participants speak another language, you will need to translate them accordingly. First, you can implement the tasks locally on your computer. For this, you need to download the freely available *OpenSesame* program/application ( on your local computer. Then, you need to download the *OpenSesame* code for a corresponding task (see different folders) from this repository. Please, note that the folders will be downloaded as .zip files. Once you unzip them, you can click on the *OpenSesame* icon, and the interface of the experiment will pop up. Now, you can directly run the experiment. Second, you can implement the tasks online. For this you need to create a free-of-charge account in the, which is a free JATOS server sponsored by ESCoP and OpenSesame. Then, you need to download the online version of the tasks (task folder > online implementation > .zip file). Please, not that you should **not** unzip those files. Subsequently, you need to import the .zip file(s) in the JATOS server. Once you do it, the study will appear in the list of your studies and will be ready to run. For the *SoSci* Survey version of digit span, you need to create an account in the (free). Then, you need to download the html code of this repository, and import it in your account as a new project. If this does not work, please, get in contact with me to share with you the template directly in your *SoSci* Survey account. Please, not that the version of the digit span is currently available only in German. Nonetheless, we have provided instructions for recording similar stimuli in other languages (see, Digit Span Task folder > instructions for digit span in other languages). Thanks to Christine Röhr for her help with setting up the *SoSci* Survey version of the digit span task.
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