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Description: iPres 2018 hosted the first iPres Digital Preservation Gamerooms. The presenter for the four games participated in the Lightning Talk Session 212 and all four games were part of the two gamerooms (Session 313 and 406).

License: CC-By Attribution 4.0 International


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212.05 G01 Save my Bits

The purpose of this game is to have fun and hopefully at the same time learn more about bit preservation. The goal for each player is to get through t...

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212.06 G02 Preservia

Preservia, the Digital Preservation Board Game. Roll the dice and explore Preservia, where mismanagement and corruption led to a Digital Dark Age. Col...

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212.07 G03 Obsolescence

"Obsolescence" is themed around the practices and challenges of digital preservation.  Each player assumes the role of someone working within the digi...

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212.08 G04 Digital Preservation Storage Criteria Game

The Criteria Game is designed for learning and thinking about the Digital Preservation Storage Criteria. The players take turns prioritizing the Crite...

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conferencedigital preservationpreservation

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