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# Political Astroturfing across the World ### David Schoch, Franziska B. Keller, Sebastian Stier, JungHwan Yang ## Replication materials The data and code provided here enables the replication of all analyses in ***Political Astroturfing across the World***. ## Content The archive contains raw and aggregated data, R scripts and bash scripts underlying the analysis in the paper and supplementary material. ## R packages Most of the analyses were done in R. The used packages are listed below together with the code to install them. ```{r libs, eval =FALSE} rm(list=ls()) if (!requireNamespace("pacman", quietly = TRUE)) { install.packages(pacman) } if (!requireNamespace("remotes", quietly = TRUE)) { install.packages(remotes) } pacman::p_load(tidyverse, rvest, progress, data.table, igraph, ggraph, patchwork update = FALSE) ``` ## Scripts ### pre-clean | script | description| |---|--| |`` | delete new line character within tweets |`` | remove embedded nulls ### Analysis | script | description| |---|--| |`00_helper.R` | helper functions |`01_download.R` | download the twitter release data |`02_clean.R` | clean the downloaded data |`02a_clean_random.R` | clean the random sample data (random sample data not provided) |`03_clean_huge.R` | clean the data of campaigns that are larger than 4GB |`04_basic_stats.R` | compute basic statistics |`05_time_stats.R` | compute stats related to time and date |`06_network_data.R` | compute network data (cotweet, coretweet, retweet) for campaigns |`06a_network_data_location.R` | compute network data (cotweet, coretweet, retweet) for random sample based on location |`06b_network_data_hashtag.R` | compute network data (cotweet, coretweet, retweet) for random sample based on hashtags |`07_heatmap_data.R` | compute data to produce activity heatmaps |`08_detectable_data.R` | compute the fraction of detectable accounts |`09_densities.R` | compute network densities |`` | bash script called to compute retweets |`` | bash script called to compute co(re)tweets (complete) |`` | bash script called to compute co(re)retweets (only 1 minute) |`dec2int.cpp` | C++ code to turn decimal into binary and back ### Plotting | script | description| |---|--| |`p00_misc.R` | mostly summary statistics |`p01_timeseries.R` | code to produce time series plots |`p02_coordination_stats.R` | visualize stats of coordination patterns |`p03_comparison_w_random.R` | visualize comparison with random samples |`p04_network_for_paper.R` | illustrative network plots |`p05_SI_astro_vs_randos.R` | comparisons for the SI |`p06_detected_accounts.R` | visualize the detected accounts |`p07_densities.R` | visualize network densities |`p08_detecbar.R` | visualize detectable as bar charts of all campaigns ## Directory structure The code assumes the following folder structure (all folders are empty, except the bold ones) - Project folder - **raw_data** (contains an html file to download all raw data) - random_samples - hashtag_samples - campaigns - **bash** (contains bash scripts mentioned above) - **Rscripts** (contains R scripts mentioned above) - processed_data - random_samples - hashtag_samples - campaigns - aggregated_data - random_samples - hashtag_samples - campaigns - **RData** (contains some aggregated data as RDS file) ## System requirements All analyses where run on a Ubuntu 20.04 ThinkPad with 16GB of RAM and R version 4.0.2. ## Data files While Twitter’s terms and conditions prohibit sharing raw data, we share download scripts and tweet IDs that enable researchers to reconstruct the datasets.
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