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# Milliways: Taming Multiverses through Principled Exploration of Data Analysis Paths ## Overview This repository contains the supplementary materials for the submission `Milliways: Taming Multiverses through Principled Exploration of Data Analysis Paths`. The repository is organised as follows: - `milliways-video-demo.mp4`: this is a video demonstration of how Milliways can be used to performed a principled exploration and evaluation of multiverse analysis - `milliways/`: directory that contains the implementation of Milliways in JavaScript and Svelte.js (see below for more details) - `milliwaysR_0.1.0.tar.gz`: compressed file which contains the implementation of the R interface to Milliways - `example/`: contains the Rscripts used to generate the hypothetical dataset used in the example, as well as the corresponding multiverse analysis - `example-boba/`: contains the same analysis (as previous) implemented in boba. We provide the files which are necessary to load the results using boba - `user-study/`: contains materials for evaluative study, which includes: - training interface (template.html contains the visualisation tool, analysis_doc.html contains the EMAR) - task interface (template.html contains the visualisation tool, analysis_doc.html contains the EMAR) - interview protocol - participant details - transcripts - `revision-letter.pdf`: Revision letter containing reviewer comments (from prior submission to VIS 2023) and how they were addressed Note #1: while the template.html files can be accessed directly in your local browser, it is better to run them on a local server: `python3 -m http.server` Note #2: We redesigned the UI of Milliways after the user interviews. We include an updated `template-new.html` file which contains a standalone example of Milliways with the updated UI. ## Installation ### Installation of the Milliways Visualisation tool To install `multiverse-vis` using `npm` from your local repository you need to call: ``` cd milliways npm install ``` To watch for changes and continually rebuild the package (this is useful if you're using npm link to test out changes in a project locally): ``` npm run dev ``` ### Sharing To create a static HTML page of the interactive multiverse visualisation tool, with the assets pre-loaded users can call: ``` npm run compile ``` This will create a `template.html` file, which will work as a standalone HTML document. ### Installation of the R Interface to Milliways Unzip the directory and open the .RProj file `milliways.RProj` Note #3: the following code should be executed in R You will first need to install devtools: ``` install.packages("devtools") ``` Then into the console, execute: ``` devtools::install() library(milliways) # note that using devtools::load_all(".") will not work ``` After you've installed the R library, you will need to install Milliways as an npm package: ``` milliways_install() ``` To open Milliways with the results of a multiverse analysis, you can use the `start()` function. This function requires four arguments: - `results`: (path to) a JSON file which contains the estimates from each universe in the multiverse analysis. - `code`: (path to) a JSON file which contains the code used to generate the multiverse object. - `data`: (path to) a JSON file which contains the dataset used in the multiverse analysis. - `analysis`: (path to) the Explorable Multiverse Analysis Report (EMAR) HTML file We provide samples of this in the directory `dist`. For example, to initialise Milliways with the multiverse analysis of the hurricane dataset, you can call the following command: ``` start( "dist/hurricane/hurricane-data.json", "dist/hurricane/hurricane-code.json", "dist/hurricane/hurricane.json", "dist/hurricane/analysis.html" ) ```
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