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# Behavioral responses Behavioral responses of all subjects for the three tasks. Please see our [paper][1] for a detailed description of the tasks. ---------- #### Column-wise data description: - `sub` Subject id. - `session` Session id (1-3). - `ses_time` Trial onset time in relation to first EPI scan of the session. - `run` Run id (1-12). - `run_time` Trial onset time in relation to the EPI pulse of this run. - `task` Task identifier. **att**ention, **sem**antic, or **soc**ial cognition. - `trial` Trial identifier, constant across subjects and runs for **sem** and **soc** task. - condition The trial condition identifier. - **att**ention task: **inv**alid, **val**id, **cat**ch. - **sem**antic task: **word**, **pseudoword**. - **soc**ial cognition task: **fb** = false believe, **tb** = true belief. - `correct_resp` Correct or wrong response. Boolean. - `rt` Reaction time [ms]. - `att_cue` Cue duration (attention task). **250** or **350** ms. - `att_left` Arrow pointing left? (attention task) Boolean. - `soc_expcond` Expected or not expected condition (social cognition task). **e** or **u**. ---------- Some notes: - **Onsets** and **response times** are given in relation to the onset of the relevant trial part, i.e. target (attention), word, and second (!) picture (social cognition). - **Run** translates to one EPI sequence (= one `.nii` file). - **Session** translates to experimental session, meaning a consecutive stay in the scanner. - **Four runs** were acquired per session (session 1: run 1-4 etc). [1]:
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