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Neuroinformatics and Brain Connectivity Lab
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Category: Project
Description: The Neuroinformatics and Brain Connectivity (NBC) Laboratory focuses on characterizing activity within and between brain regions among healthy individuals and those diagnosed with neuropsychiatric disorders. Research in the Lab is centered around magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with emphasis on neuroimaging data analysis tools, the impact of drug abuse on human brain function, and the brain mechanisms associated with student learning during STEM training.
Links to projects from the NBC lab.
Links to posters from the NBC lab.
NBCLab: Methods Paper Template
Projects dedicated to developing new tools/methods should follow this template.
NBCLab: Meta-analysis Template
Meta-analyses should follow this template.
NBCLab: Experiment Project Template
This is a template for an overall neuroimaging project, which will contain links to a project for each paper (usually each unique task performed in th...
NBCLab: Experiment Paper Template
Original research projects should follow this template.
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