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# Expansion on Exploring Common Trends in Online Educational Experiments [![OSF DOI](][doi] [![Docker](][container] [*Expansion on Exploring Common Trends in Online Educational Experiments*][doi] contains the *50 Experiments+2022* dataset, providing additional information to the *50 Experiments-2021* dataset released with [*Exploring Common Trends in Online Educational Experiments*][odoi]. The expansion contains the raw problem logs associated with the provided experiments and raw student actions prior to the experiment period. This project serves as a environment setup for integrating with both datasets by downloading them from their OSF projects ([original][oosf] and [expansion][doi]) and merging them into the same subfolder structure. This also downloads the accompanying documentation and licenses. This was presented at the [*2022 Conference on Digital Experimentation @ MIT (CODE@MIT)*][code]. ## License The content of this Open Science Foundation project is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribute 4.0 International License][cl]. As the dataset is pulled from ASSISTments, this project is compliant under the [ASSISTments Public Data License v0.1][dl]. The software of this Open Science Foundation project is licensed under the [MIT License][sl]. This is to prevent distribution issues when using the source in other projects. You can read more about this [here][ccsoftware]. ## Environment Setup Script ### Method 1: Docker The [Docker Container][container] can be run using: ```bash docker run -v ${PWD}:/app/env ahaim5357/ ``` You can also clone this repository, then run the following [Docker][docker] commands: ```bash docker build -t <image_name> . docker run -v ${PWD}:/app/env <image_name> ``` Where `image_name` can be specified to whatever identifier the user desires. This will automatically download the datasets, dataset documentation, and content/dataset license. #### Environment Variables There are three environment variables: * `M2JQE_RAW_ZIP` (default false): When true, will download the raw project zip onto the local machine if it's not already present. The project will be pulled regardless for setup. * `M2JQE_DOCS` (default true): When true, will download the dataset documentation and the content/dataset license. * `M2JQE_MULTIPROCESS` (default false): When true, will execute the setup of the original and expansion dataset in two separate subprocesses. These can be added to the docker script via `-e <ENV_VAR>=<VALUE>`: ```bash # Download the raw zip, no docs, and setup using two separate subprocesses on the local machine docker run -v ${PWD}:/app/data -e M2JQE_RAW_ZIP=true -e M2JQE_DOCS=false -e M2JQE_MULTIPROCESS=true <image_name> ``` ### Method 2: Python Environment The compiler script is written in Python 3.8.10. You can install the required libraries using the `requirements.txt` provided: ```bash pip install -r requirements.txt ``` > You may need to prefix the `pip` command with either `python -m` for Unix systems or `py -m` for Windows systems if `pip` was not properly installed onto the path. Then navigate to the folder in your terminal and run ``. For Unix Systems (Linux, MacOS): ```bash python3 ./ ``` For Windows Systems: ```pwsh py ./ ``` #### Command Line Arguments There are four command line arguments that can be specified after the script: * `-h`/`--help`: Prints the command and what arguments it can take. * `-r`/`--raw-zip`: Downloads the raw project zip onto the local machine if it's not already present. * `-n`/`--no-docs`: Will not download the supplemental documents with the environment setup. * `-m`/`--multiprocess`: Will execute the setup of the original and expansion dataset in two separate subprocesses. For Unix Systems (Linux, MacOS): ```bash # Download the raw zip, no docs, and setup using two separate subprocesses on the local machine python3 ./ -r -n -m ``` For Windows Systems: ```pwsh # Download the raw zip, no docs, and setup using two separate subprocesses on the local machine py ./ -r -n -m ``` ## Citation ### *50 Experiments-2021* ``` @inproceedings{50experimentsoriginal, author = {Ethan Prihar and Manaal Syed and Korinn Ostrow and Stacy Shaw and Adam Sales and Neil Heffernan}, title = {{Exploring Common Trends in Online Educational Experiments}}, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Educational Data Mining}}, year = 2022, pages = {27--38}, publisher = {International Educational Data Mining Society}, month = jul, venue = {Durham, United Kingdom}, doi = {10.5281/zenodo.6853041}, url = {} } ``` ### *50 Experiments+2022* ``` Haim, A., Prihar, E., Shaw, S. T., Sales, A., & Heffernan, N. T., III. (2022, October 20). Expansion on Exploring Common Trends in Online Educational Experiments. Presented at the 2022 Conference on Digital Experimentation @ MIT (CODE@MIT '22), October 20-21, 2022, Boston, MA, US. Accessible at ``` [docker]: [container]: [doi]: [odoi]: [oosf]: [code]: [cl]: [dl]: [sl]: ./LICENSE [ccsoftware]:
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