**Original citation.** Centerbar, D.B., Schnall, S., Clore, G.L., & Garvin, E.D. (2008). Affective incoherence: When affective concepts and embodied reactions clash. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 94(4), 560-578. doi: 10.1037/0022-3514.94.4.560
**Target of replication.** Centerbar et al. (2008) found that affective coherence (as opposed to affective incoherence) produced a linear increase in cognitive complexity across three participant-generated narratives.
**A priori replication criteria.** The target finding for replication was revealed by a “repeated measures ANOVA with condition (coherent vs. incoherent) and story prompt (tree vs. house. vs. car) produced a significant linear trend for the interaction of Condition X Story, F(1, 131), 5.79, p < .02, η2 = .04” (Centerbar, et a., 2008, p. 573).
**Materials,** Data, and Report Study materials can be found in the materials component of this project. Raw data and the analysis script can be found in the dataset node. The full report and other materials appear in the files section of this node.
**Conclusions.** Unlike in Centerbar, et al. (2008), the confirmatory analysis for the current replication attempt revealed no condition X story prompt interaction. Thus, it is clear that we failed to replicate the original study’s finding.
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[1]: https://openscienceframework.org/project/L8SrM/files/RPReport.pdf