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## Inferred Goals Influence the Value of Moral Behavior ## Moral behavior is susceptible to peer influence. How does information from peers influence moral preferences? We used drift-diffusion modeling to show that peer influence changes the value of moral behavior by prioritizing the choice attributes that align with peers’ goals. Study 1 (N = 100; preregistered) showed that participants accurately inferred the goals of prosocial and antisocial peers when observing their moral decisions. In Study 2 (N = 68), participants made moral decisions before and after observing the decisions of a prosocial or antisocial peer. Peer observation caused participants’ own preferences to resemble those of their peers. This peer influence effect on value computation manifested as an increased weight on choice attributes promoting the peers’ goals that occurred independently from peer influence on initial choice bias. Participants’ self-reported awareness of influence tracked more closely with computational measures of prosocial than antisocial influence. Our findings have implications for bolstering and blocking the effects of prosocial and antisocial influence on moral behavior. Data Contains participant level and trial level data for Study 1 and Study 2. Analysis Contains analysis code for Study 1 and Study 2. Experiment protocols Contains trials set for Study 1, and Psychtoolbox scripts for Study 2. Preregistration Contains preregistration document. Documentation Contains description of the variables in the shared data and analysis files.
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