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This project contains supplemental materials for [Identifying Themes of Right-Wing Extremism in Hindutva Discourse on Twitter][1]. Published are the hashtags we identified as being used by supporters of Hindutva on Twitter: - `hashtag_communities_in.gexf` is a Graph Exchange XML File that contains the complete, weighted, undirected network of hashtag co-occurrences for hashtags that occur at least 10 times. Community detection was performed with the Louvain method as described in the paper. - `top_communities_in.txt` lists the 40 largest communities of co-occuring hashtags, sorted by size and described by their most central hashtags, as identified by our original centrality measure. - `hashtags_to_query.csv` provides a list of Hindutva topics as identified from the 40 largest communities, alongside each topic's most central hashtags. - `most_retweeted_accounts.csv` provides a table of the 20 most retweeted accounts in our dataset, indicating the 3 seed accounts among them. - `language_comparison.png` gives statistics on the 10 most common languages in all tweets and in original tweets (excl. retweets, quotes, mentions) we collected. [1]:
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