This is a repository for source code and data concerning the article:
Alessander Botti Benevides, Jean-RΓ©mi Bourguet, Giancarlo Guizzardi, Rafael PeΓ±aloza, JoΓ£o Paulo A. Almeida: ["Representing a Reference Foundational Ontology of Events in π’π‘πππ "][1]. [Applied Ontology 14(3)][2]: 293-334 (2019)
The keywords are: Ontology of Events, Description Logics, π’π‘πππ , OWL, SAT.
We used the tool `fmt` to find maximal subsets of π’π‘πππ axioms that obey the syntactic constraints of regularity and simplicity. You can find instructions on how to compile and run [here][3].
In order to automatically generate Alloy models, we used `BatchModelFinder`. You can find instructions on how to compile and run [here][4].
The haskell tool `set` and the R script `indMtThsMaxModelsFigs.R` were used to produce the Figure 4 of the document. You can find their sources in this project.
Concerning the performance data in folder OWL2/Performances, the file Performances-UFOB.csv presents the execution times of five executions of satisfiability tests for each TBox and each Alloy model. The structure of the file Performances-UFOB.csv is:
CharInt-Int ;Float;Float;Float;Float;Float;Bool ;Float
'K'TheoryId-AlloyModelID;time0;time1;time2;time3;time4;Consistent?;Median of times
The structure of the file Performances-Alloyfor-N.txt (25 β€ N β€ 35) is:
CharInt : Float
'T'TheoryId: the median of the five executions of the satisfiability test for the current theory and Alloy model N
The structure of the file Performances-SubTboxes.txt is:
CharInt : Float
'T'TheoryId: sum of all the medians for all the Alloy models