# Schedule of Measurements
Baseline measures completed at **Visit 0** include the following:
[MINI][1], [LSAS][2], [Social Interaction Anxiety Scale][3], [Social Phobia Scale][4], and the [Beck Depression Inventory-2][12]. The self-report measures are repeated at each study visit.
Speech experiences are rated at **Visit 1** and **Visit 2** using the following:
[Subjective Units of Distress Scale][5] is given every 2 minutes during speeches, including 2 minutes before the speech and right before the speech begins. [The Positive and Negative Affect Scale][6] is given three times for each speech: 2 minutes before the speech, right before the speech begins, and at the end of the speech.
At **Visit 1** only, the [Ambivalent and Purposeful Engagement-Trait Measure][7] and [Post Event Processing Scale][8] are administered.
At **Visit 2** only, a version of the [Ambivalent and Purposeful Engagement-Trait Measure][9], [Post Event Processing Scale][10], and [Perception of Speech Performance][11] are administered, with items altered to ask about the speech given at Visit 1.
[1]: https://osf.io/s4rgh/ "MINI"
[2]: https://osf.io/3dgnq/ "LSAS"
[3]: https://osf.io/hkc8n/ "SIAS"
[4]: https://osf.io/84fj7/ "SPS"
[5]: https://osf.io/wxk3g/ "SUDS"
[6]: https://osf.io/qhxvn/ "PANAS"
[7]: https://osf.io/mwsj2/ "APE"
[8]: https://osf.io/mda9z/ "PEP1"
[9]: https://osf.io/3d9uk/ "APE2"
[10]: https://osf.io/uxy2g/ "PEP2"
[11]: https://osf.io/5zh27/ "PSP2"
[12]: https://osf.io/5dp8w/ "BDI-II"