**Original citation.** Lemay, E.P., & Clark, M.S. Walking on eggshells: How expressing relationship insecurities perpetuates them. *Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 95*(2), 420-441.
**Target of replication.** We seek to replicate the original authors' finding that participants who were aware that a confederate had been told that the participant was vulnerable to rejection rated the confederate’s expressions of happiness as less authentic, t(62) = 5.50, p < 0.001.
**A priori replication criteria.** A successful replication would find that participants believe that the confederate’s expressions were happier than their private feelings, more so in the vulnerable condition than in the control conditions.
To test for the interaction between the type of happiness rating and experimental condition, we plan to run a 2 (type of rating: expressed vs. felt happiness) X 2 (experimental condition: vulnerable vs. two control conditions combined) mixed ANOVA with type of rating as a within subjects factor and experimental condition as a between subjects factor.
A draft of the replication report with more details can be found [here][1].
Data will be released when the final report is available (expected Feb, 2015).
[1]: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pULIYQJnmghoZE1ZSP9Y-7oA8EE5R-t0SPRvfZnxVCA