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**Data analysis** The `data_analysis` folder contains all the files necessary to re-create our analysis. 1) left-click it to select it 2) choose `Download as ZIP` to download it to your computer 3) unpack it. The three main scripts at the core of the data analysis for this study, i.e. `1_data_prep.r`, `2_empirical_plots.r`, and `3_modeling.Rmd` are in the home directory. Additionally, the `utils` folder contains three more scripts: one for producing additional summary statistics contained in the appendices of the article, and one for investigating the role of annotator, and one for investigating the role of the effect of trial. All the file paths are **relative**, so if you follow steps 1-3 above, no tweaking of the scripts should be necessary to execute them. If you're using RStudio and if you start it up by double-clicking the script you want to run, the correct home directory will be set for you automatically (at least in Windows, I haven't checked any other OS). **Supplementary files** The `supplementary_files` folder contains all experiemntal stimuli, the presentation used to expose the participants to the stimuli, all audio recordings of participants' productions, as well as TextGrid annotations of participants' productions.
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