This project holds the Matlab code and supporting data files for all of the Figures in
the following manuscripts:
Langchen Fan, Kenneth S. Henry, and Laurel H. Carney (2021) Responses to Diotic Tone-in-Noise Stimuli in the Inferior Colliculus: Stimulus Envelope and Neural Fluctuation Cues, Hearing Research.
Fan, L., Henry, K.S., Carney, L.H. (in press, 2022) Responses to Dichotic Tone-in-Noise Stimuli in the Inferior Colliculus: Envelope, Interaural Time Difference, and Interaural Correlation Cues. Frontiers in Neuroscience, special issue on Binaural Hearing.
These results are also described in the dissertation of Langchen Fan, PhD,
Biomedical Engineering, University of Rochester.
Her thesis is included in this Project.
Matlab scripts to create each figure are included in the folders.
Also - Stay tuned for a more extensive User Interface that will allow observation of all of the responses of these neurons (e.g. we'd like to allow the user to see the Response map, MTF, ITD, ILD, and TIN responses for each neuron.) Doing so will require adaptation of our data analysis interface, and installation of the analysis code on a cloud-computing resource. Current version of this app, called UR_Physio, is now available at
LH Carney October 29, 2022
Supported by NIH DC010813