# Files Description
## Files
The main OSF folder further contains all R analyses scripts that are organized according to the manuscripts sections.
#### Analysis_*-files
These files contain the analyses corresponding to the manuscripts organized by sections.
#### CodeBook.csv
Contains an explanation of all variables that are contained in Data_correct.csv / Data_prepped.csv.
#### Data_correct.csv
Contains all data that resulted from Analysis_1_Preparation.R
#### Data_prepped.csv
Contains all data that resulted from Analysis_1_Preparation.R except that it also contains all trials in which participant's responded incorrectly.
## Folders
### Data_2_3_BaselineExperiment
In this folder, there are all individual participant's iSearchMat files for our Baseline Experiment that is descripbed in the manuscript in section 2.3.
These files were compiled after pre-processing in MATLAB (see manuscript 2.4.) was done.
### Data_3_Main
In this folder, there are all individual participant's iSearchMat files for our Main Experiment.
These files were compiled after pre-processing in MATLAB (see manuscript 2.4.) was done.
### Figures
The resulting manuscript figures from the R analyses scripts that can be found in the main OSF folder.
This folder contains the MATLAB experiment scripts.
### R
This folder contains custom-written R-functions that were used during the analysis and a list of all R package versions used during analysis.