Erotophilia - Erotophobia
Pornography use is known to correlate with erotophilia (Fisher, White, Byrne, & Kelley, 1988). In the current sample, the correlation across the N = 414 participants is r = .45 and the correlation between partners' erotophilia is r = .34. If similarity - dissimilarity in partners' erotophilia-erotophobia underlies the buffering effects of concordant solitary pornography use, we should find negative associations between actors' / partners' erotophilia in the context of a positive interaction term between actors' and partners' erotophilia. Further, actors' and partners' solitary pornography use and the interaction between these variables should not add to the prediction of sexual / relationship satisfaction once actors' and partners' erotophilia, and their interaction, are controlled for.
- Analyzed with an actor-partner approach (e.g., Kenny, Kashy, & Cook,2006), our initial model will involve the prediction of sexual satisfaction using actors' and partners' erotophilia/erotophobia and their interaction. In the next step, we will add actors' and partners' solitary pornography use and their interaction, as well partners' shared pornography use. If solitary pornography use does not add to the prediction of sexual satisfaction, there will be some evidence supporting possible third variable explanations. This analysis will be repeated for relationship satisfaction.