This contains all the data for the experiment. There are 3 data files, as well as a code book/information about each files (provided as a PDF and an excel file). Each are described below:
1. "FracCardGame_FullDataSet.csv" The primary dataset that includes: basic information about the child (session timing, age, gender, grade, etc), summarized information about the game play sessions, long form trial-by-trial raw data from the pre- and post-test tasks.
2. "FracCardGame_SummarizedData.csv" This is the summarized version of the FullDataSet to be used in the analyses, and it includes: basic information about the child (session timing, age, gender, grade, etc), summarized information about the game play sessions, summarized information (proportion correct) for each task/session.
3. "FracCardGame_GamePlayItems.csv" This is item level (i.e., trial by trial) and summarized data from the Game Play sessions. The summarized data as analyzed in the manuscript is included in the other files, but this includes the raw data that that summarized data is based on and full trial-by-trial information for those who were excluded from the primary analyses because of missing data.
Lastly, there is a codebook (README_FracCardGameFileInfo) as an excel file & as a PDF with each sheet corresponding to a different file and gives a description of each variable in that file. The codebook also contains a sheet with more information about these files.