**Original citation.** Tamir, M., Mitchell, C., & Gross, J.J. (2008). Hedonic and instrumental motives in anger regulation. *Psychological Science, 19*(4). 324-328.
**Target of replication.** We seek to replicate the authors' original finding that “preferences for anger-inducing activities were higher than preferences for exciting and neutral activities when participants anticipated playing confrontational games,” F(2,162) = 192.89, p < 0.0001.
**A priori replication criteria.** We plan to run a repeated measures ANOVA to test the Game Type (confrontational vs. nonconfrontational) x Emotion (exciting, neutral, angry) x Activity Type (music, memory) interaction (all factors manipulated within subjects). The key effect of interest is the Game type X emotion interaction resulting from the larger 2x3x2 design.