The primary dependent variable will be called generalized trust as is an average of responses to the Trust, fair, and helpful questions.
A participant will be excluded from the analysis if he or she failed the attention check or the seriousness check.
The replication model will be an OLS regression with generalize dtrust as the DV, experimental condition [0/1] as the IV, and the following control variables: female, femalemiss, age, agemiss, Hispanic, Hispanicmiss, race, racemiss, education, educationmiss, income, incomemiss, region, and regionmiss.
This will be done with the following code:
regress gentrust i.exclude female femalemiss age agemiss Hispanic Hispanicmiss race racemiss educationmiss i.income incomemiss i.region regionmiss
As a check, we will also run an ATE model without the control variables using the following code and robust standard errors:
regress gentrust i.exclude, vce(robust)