This project is a pre-registered direct replication of Miller and Maner (2011) ( It has been accepted pending minor revisions at *Psychological Science*.
## Files
* rawdata - raw data from three testing sites
* SBVM_data_aggregated - .csv file aggregating data across three testing sites
* SBVM_stage2.html - results from the original replication submission
* SBVM_stage2.rmd - the R code for these analyses
* SBVM_stage2rev.html - revised version of SBVM_stage2.html
* SBVM_stage2rev.rmd - revised version of SBVM_stage2.rmd
* SBVM Transparency Checklist.pdf - 12-item transparency report
* IPA Files
* Illness Recency Proposal_IPA.docx - Stage 1 proposal
* R Code
* - all files neededfor the preregistered analysis
* SBVM_rep_v4.html - results from the stage 1 submission
* SBVM_rep_v4.rmd - code from the stage 1 submission