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# Instructions for use # ## Behavior ## Contains a compiled behavior file for each subject called "SN_Behavior.mat", where SN = subject number. Here are the critical variables in each file: **beh.t.pos:** the exact angular position of the target in degrees (range = 0-359). 0 degrees is at 3 O'Clock. Increasing values go in the clockwise direction. **beh.t.posBin:** the angular position bin that the target stimulus occupied (1 = the bin centered at 0 degrees, 2 = bin centered at 45 degrees, and so forth). **beh.t.ori:** the orientation value of the target (range = 0-179). **beh.t.oriBin:** the orientation values divided into eight orientation bins, just like the position bins. for corresponding non-target/distractor values, see the beh.nt structure. **beh.reportedOri:** the reported orientation. **beh.oriOffset:** the orientation response error (in degrees) i.e. the difference between the reported orientation and the actual target orientation. Note: there are not files for two subs (16 and 18). The session was terminated at the time of data collection for these subjects. ## EEG ## Contains one file for each subject caled SubNum_EEG.mat. The important variables are: **erp.srate:** the sampling rate (in Hz). **** a trials x electrodes x samples matrix of EEG data. **erp.trial.times:** the vector of times (relative to stimulus onset) that each trial segment contains. **erp.chanLabels:** the positions of the electrodes. **erp.arf.artifactIndCleaned:** index of trials with artifacts (1 = artifact, 0 = clean trial). Note: the sampling rate was 500 Hz in this experiment. Also note: there are not files for two subs (16 and 18). The session was terminated at the time of data collection for these subjects. ## EyeTrack ## Contains a eye tracking data file for each subject, called SN_EYE_SEG_JFEB3.mat, where SN = subject number. The important variables are: **eyeData.sRate:** the sampling rate (Hz). **eyeData.trial.times:** the times in each trial segment (relative to stimulus onset. e.g. -300 -298 -296 ... 1248 1250 indicates that each segment starts 300 ms pre-stimulus and ends 1250 ms post-stimulus (sampling every 2 ms). **eyeData.trial.xDeg:** horizontal distance of gaze from fixation in degrees of visual angle (trials x samples). **eyeData.trial.yDeg:** vertical distance of gaze from fixation in degrees of visual angle (trials x samples). Note: not all subjects had eye tracking data. Refer to the Subject Summary sheet in the parent component. ## Preprocessing Scripts ## **EEGPreprocessingPipeline:** this zipped folder contains the scripts used to preprocess the EEG data. **EyeTracking:** this zipped folder contains the scripts used to preprocess the eyetracking data.
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