Target of replication: *A priori* experimental protocols, materials, and confirmatory analysis plans were peer reviewed, [pre-registered][1], and published by [*eLife*][2].
This component includes all primary and QC data for the replication of [Tay et al., 2011][3].
The results obtained were inconclusive. The Western blot results with the phospho-AKT antibody were inconsistent and largely absent of a signal. This was not due to the Western blot technique as other antibodies gave reliable singles ([see results from Figure 3][4]). Instead, the result is likely due to the lack of phosphatase inhibitors included in the lysis buffer. Of note, the original study also did not use phosphatase inhibitors. Since the primary outcome was not able to be observed, the experiment was not included in this manuscript.
### Contents ###
This Component contains data generated from the experimental work and detailed methods used in the experimental work.