These pages contain a demonstration OSF site for the Digital Tools for Reproducible Research series of brownbags run in The Department of Education, University of York.
Slides for the sessions can be found at, as well as in the slides component.
Contact for more information: | @CBolibaugh
This series of 5 brownbags provides a practical introduction to digital tools needed to complete a reproducible research project. Each session will move through a successive stage of a project, with a focus on tangible outputs (e.g. OSF project page, preregistration, analysis script and power analysis, reproducible manuscript template).
The brownbags are aimed at researchers (staff and PhD) who already have a reasonable grounding in data analysis and experimental/study design. Some sessions (e.g. data simulation) will be focused on quantitative analyses. Knowledge of the R statistical programming language is not assumed, and while scripts will be provided to get started in appropriate sessions, the sessions are not a complete introduction to R.
It is envisaged that participants may take the opportunity to work on a planned empirical study, and will finish the sessions with a completed preregistration which includes analysis scripts and power estimates, as well as the template for the manuscript. The sessions can be scaled by focusing on a replication of a published paper.
Attendees will need to bring their own laptop in order to fully participate.
Wednesdays before coffee, 9.30am - 10.30 am
Summer Term 2019, weeks 5, 6, 8, 9, 10
Education SCR, D/L/104