### Welcome! We are the ReproducibiliTea Bordeaux-Neurocampus!
#### Check our [schedule](https://osf.io/jqxw6/wiki/Schedule/) and subscribe to our [newsletter](http://eepurl.com/hm-KTv)!
We also have a [YouTube playlist](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLg2e4R8SdhpeuGmNC_YpqA75rRFg81Pg-) and a [Twitter profile!](https://twitter.com/BordeauxTea)
**Who is organizing?**
[Eduarda Centeno](https://twitter.com/eduardagzc) & [Fjola Hyseni](https://twitter.com/Fj0la)
**How is it organized?**
Our journal club is linked to the Université de Bordeaux Neurocampus and open to everyone across the UBx and nearby universities, from any discipline or department. For each session, the presenter will provide a short (10-15min) overview of the chosen paper. The remainder of the session is dedicated to free discussion amongst all attendees.
Everyone is welcome to join us - sceptics and enthusiasts alike! We hope for a diverse range of attendees from all career stages, disciplines, and backgrounds, and particularly enjoy hearing views from all perspectives. Your voice is welcome here, and we offer a friendly atmosphere!
In this OSF webpage, one can find the general information, the papers and presentations that we already discussed, and a list of suggested articles in the Zotero section (bottom part).
**Want to be a host of one of our sessions?**
Please contact us if you would like to host one of the journal club's sessions. We have a list of suggested papers in the main page.
**Would like to be part of the organization?**
Please fill [this form](https://forms.gle/fKcgCiggNAuWwc4w6)!.