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Category: Uncategorized

Description: This folder contains material from ReproducibiliTea Journal Clubs around the world

License: CC0 1.0 Universal


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ReproducibiliTea Oxford

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in Oxford. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea University of Bristol

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in Bristol. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea Cambridge

Description: Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in Cambridge. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea UCL

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in UCL. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea Manchester

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions at the University of Manchester. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea Graz

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in Graz. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea Groningen

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in Groningen. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea Amsterdam

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in Amsterdam. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea York

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions at the University of York. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea Kingston

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in Kingston. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea Frankfurt

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in Frankfurt. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea Leicester

Materials from ReproducibiliTea session in Leicester. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea Fukuoka

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in Fukuoka. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea McMaster

Materials from ReproducibiliTea session at MacMaster University. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea Singapore

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in Singapore. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea Toronto

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in Toronto (York University). Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea Rotterdam

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in Rotterdam.

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ReproducibiliTea Canterbury

Materials from ReproducibiliTea session in Canterbury. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea Charlottesville (Curry School of Education)

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in Charlottesville. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea Dublin

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in Dublin. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea Oxford Primary Care

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in Oxford (Primary Care). Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea Amsterdam (VU)

Materials from ReproducibiliTEa sessions in VU Amsterdam. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea Princeton-Rutgers

Materials from the Princeton-Rutgers ReproducibiliTea.

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ReproducibiliTea Amsterdam VU

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in Amsterdam VU. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea Loughborough

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in Loughborough. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea Dublin

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in Dublin. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea Oxford Primary Health Care

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in Oxford Primary Health Care. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea Reading

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in Reading. Scroll down to the Zotero section on this page to find links to the papers we are discussing.

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ReproducibiliTea Potsdam

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in Potsdam. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea Berlin

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in Berlin. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea Dresden

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in Dresden. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea ReproducibiliTea Westminster

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in ReproducibiliTea Westminster. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea Hull-BARG

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in Hull-BARG. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea Madrid

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in ReproducibiliTea Madrid. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea DePaul

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in DePaul. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea Dartmouth

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in Dartmouth. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea Stanford

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in Stanford. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea OS Hens

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in OS Hens. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea Oxford Psychiatry

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in Oxford Psychiatry. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea Karlsruhe

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in Karlsruhe. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea Ankara

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in Ankara. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea Koc University Psychology

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in Koc University Psychology. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea Zurich

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in Zurich.

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ReproducibiliTea Sydney

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in Sydney. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea Oxford NDORMS

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in Oxford NDORMS. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea University of Chicago

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in University of Chicago. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea UEA

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in UEA. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea Montpellier

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in Montpellier. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea BI Oslo

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in BI Oslo. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea Poitiers

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in Poitiers. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea Birmingham

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in Birmingham. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea Glasgow

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in Glasgow. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea USyd

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in USyd. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea Genoa

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in Genoa. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea Brasil

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in Brasil. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea RVCResearchIntegrityJC

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in RVCResearchIntegrityJC. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea Aston

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in Aston ReproducibiliTEA. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea Davis

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in Davis. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea Leipzig

Materials from the ReproducibiliTea Journal Club sessions in Leipzig. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit. Get more i...

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ReproducibiliTea Nottingham

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in Nottingham. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea Cup at QUB

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in Cup at QUB. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea TCPSR

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in TCPSR. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea Purdue

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in Purdue. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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Edinburgh ReproducibiliTea

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in University of Edinburgh. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea Maastricht University

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in ReproducibiliTea Maastricht University. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and ed...

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ReproducibiliTea Queen Mary University of London

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in Queen Mary University of London. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea UiB

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in RepriducibiliTea UiB. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea Rotman

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in Rotman. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea Mannheim

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in Mannheim. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea Bern

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in Bern. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea JCUniBern

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in JCUniBern. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea Freiburg

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in Freiburg. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea Waterloo - School of Public Health and Health Systems

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in Waterloo - School of Public Health and Health Systems. Templates and presentations are available for other...

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ReproducibiliTea Bordeaux

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in Bordeaux. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea Exeter

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in Exeter. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea Lund Psychology

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in Lund Psychology. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea UiO

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in UiO. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea Monash

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in Monash. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea Geneva

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in Geneva. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea Open Science and Reproducabili-Tea

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in Open Science and Reproducabili-Tea. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea Massachusetts

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in Massachusetts. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea Warwick

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in Warwick. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea Saint Louis Area

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in Saint Louis Area. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit. The purpose of thi...

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ReproducibiliTea Tuebingen

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in Tuebingen. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea Berkeley

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in Berkeley. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea Vienna

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in Vienna. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea University of Southern California

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in University of Southern California. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea USW

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in USW. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea DMU ReproducibiliTea

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in DMU ReproducibiliTea. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea LSHTM

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in LSHTM. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea Veit Kubik

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in Veit Kubik. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea University of Dundee

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in University of Dundee. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea Prague

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in Prague. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea Behaviouralbiology

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in Behaviouralbiology. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea Le Mans

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in Le Mans. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea Le Mans Universite

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in Le Mans Universite. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea Waterloo - Psychology

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in Waterloo - Psychology. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea Open Science Society

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in Open Science Society. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea Memorial University of Newfoundland

Readings from ReproducibiliTea meetings at Memorial University of Newfoundland.

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ReproducibiliTea Johns Hopkins University

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in Johns Hopkins University. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea St Andrews

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in St Andrews. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea Hannover

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in Hannover. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea Innsbruck

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in Innsbruck. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea Karolinska Institute

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in Karolinska Institute. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea Uppsala Psychology

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in Uppsala Psychology. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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Bangor University

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in The Bangor University Open Science Society. Templates and presentations are available for others to use an...

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ReproducibiliTea Lausanne

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in Lausanne. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea RHUL

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions at RHUL. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea Birmingham City

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in Birmingham City. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea AUTH

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in AUTH. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea OpenCSD Journal Club

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in OpenCSD Journal Club. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea EARLI JURE

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in EARLI JURE. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea Melbourne

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in Melbourne. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea University of Murcia

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in University of Murcia. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea Nantes

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in Nantes. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea Psychological and Brain Sciences

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in Psychological and Brain Sciences. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea Paris

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in Paris. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea ReproducibiliTea Victoria University of Wellington

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in ReproducibiliTea Victoria University of Wellington. Templates and presentations are available for others t...

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ReproducibiliTea ITU Copenhagen

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in ITU Copenhagen. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea Chichester Tea

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in Chichester Tea. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea Nicosia

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in Nicosia. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea Montreal

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in Montreal. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea Bochum

This is the OSF page of the ReproducibiliTea of Collaborative Research Centre SFB1280 on extinction learning (

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ReproducibiliTea TOSI Journal Club

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in TOSI Open Science Journal Club. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea Kings College London

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in Kings College London. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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MIT BCS ReproducibiliTea

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in BCS ReproducibiliTea. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea HumaniTeas Cologne

Slides from the guest speakers of ReproducibiliTea in the HumaniTeas Cologne.

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ReproducibiliTea Western Institute for Neuroscience

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in Western Institute for Neuroscience. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea StockholmTea Club

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in StockholmTea Club. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea Lund Biomedicine

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in Lund Biomedicine. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea Adelaide

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in Adelaide. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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ReproducibiliTea Galway

Materials from ReproducibiliTea sessions in Galway. Templates and presentations are available for others to use and edit.

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