Welcome to the class page for the Epidemiological Methods Course at the University of COS. When setting up your class project:
1. Go to the [Model project - Azithromycin Use in Canadian Communities][1].
2. Click on duplicate button in the top right, and fork the project. This creates a new project which you should use to store all your materials for the class project.
3. Add the instructor and TAs as read-write non-bibliographic contributors to your project.
4. Once you have created your project, go back to the [Methodology course model project][2] and link your personal project to the class project by using the 'add link' button in the component section.
[1]: https://osf.io/zk9vn/ "Model project template"
[2]: https://osf.io/jmvqe/ "Methodology course model project"