## Description
There are 4 datasets for each country, one for each outcome group (anthropometry, child development, diarrhea, parasite infections). Additionally, there is a file that links study clusters to administrative units in Bangladesh and Kenya, down to the subdistrict level (GADM data).
These datasets were created by the script `00-washb-geopair-data-processing.R` using public datasets downloaded from osf.io. and the script `00-washb-geopair-gps-data-processing.R` using internal datasets that are not publicly available to protect participant confidentiality (geolocated).
You can download all datasets into a local repository using the `osfr` package by running the script `01-washb-geopair-download-public-data.R` located in the code component of this repo.
Each dataset includes a codebook with additional meta-data, including references and links to the original studies that underlie the data and the other versions of the dataset (typically more expansive) available through the WASH Benefits OSF page (https://osf.io/tprw2/)